R for Processing: Processing.R
Processing.R is a mode for Processing that enables users to write Processing sketches using the R language. The mode can be installed in the Processing Development Environment (PDE). It can also run on the command line as a stand-alone jar.
Procesing.R supports:
- native R programming and syntax
- most Processing built-in functions (draw(), rect(), box(), etc.)
- importing select Processing(Java) libraries (e.g. "peasycam")
- importing select R Packages (e.g. "foreach")
Feel free to hack on Processing.R! Welcome to github.com/gaocegege/Processing.R to help us improve the implementation.
Processing.R was chiefly developed by Ce Gao, with contributions from Jeremy Douglass, Weizhen Wang and many other contributors. Examples, reference, and tutorials were migrated from processing.org and py.processing.org.
Procesing.R was implemented as a Google Summer of Code project in 2017, under the supervision of Jeremy Douglass. The documentation and reference will be ready soon.
Processing.R is inspired by Python Mode for Processing, and code about sketch service is reused in Processing.R. Besides this, Processing.R copies the logic from renjin to support R packages. The Processing.R Reference for Processing functions is based on materials from the Processing Reference and Processing.py Reference. Documentation for structural features of the R language is based on the R Documentation for package ‘base’ (v3.4.1).